How to open computer with out password?
How to create a fake virus!!
LOL!!! Great Prank.
Some great XP tricks.
Cool Windows XP trick.
Amazing Paint Trick for Windows
Site Contents
- ► 12/07 - 12/14 (5)
11/30 - 12/07
- *Computer Tricks Videos
- *Make Ultra Strong Passwords
- *Add sound to almost every event in Windows
- *Changing XP password without old password
- *Speed up ur PC with simple steps
- *Sumsung the series hack
- *Motorola Secret Codes
- *Mixed bag with mobile tricks
- *One Click Shutdown
- *Google week: 101 tips, tricks and hacks - The ult...
- *Get Any Thing From Google
- *Type with Mouse
- *Hacking MSN / Yahoo
- *Hacking Password Protected Website's
- *Top Tricks & Cheats
- *Xp Tricks... some call it Hack
- *Computer Tricks
- *Dos Tricks and Shortcuts
- *Mobile Cheat Stuff
- *Mobile Tricks
- *Airtel Hack For Free Internet
- *BSNL hack for Internet
- *Nokia All Codes
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- *Microsoft Office Hacks
Dec 6, 2008
*Computer Tricks Videos
Posted by
8:29 AM
*Make Ultra Strong Passwords
A very good One from Irongeek.
Strong Article Worth Sharin
As some Microsoft Operating System geeks know, you can type many more characters than are on a standard keyboard by using the ALT+NUMPAD combination technique. For example, by holding down the ALT key, typing 234 on the number pad, then releasing ALT gives you the O character. I'm writing this article mostly because when I search around for information on the topic of ALT+Number key combos I find pages that are lacking in details. Most of the pages I found are coming from the angle of using ALT+NUMPAD combinations as shortcuts for typing in non-English languages, but I have another use for them. Using ALT+NUMPAD can make for some very ugly passwords to crack. These odd characters have two major advantages over normal keystrokes:
1. They are unlikely to be in someone's dictionary or brute force list. Try brute forcing a password like "ace of ?s" or "I am the a and the O".
2. Some hardware key loggers will not log these odd characters. Your mileage may vary on this as some key loggers can, so don't rely on it to keep you 100% safe.
I'll cover the 2nd point more in an upcoming article. Using ALT+NUMPAD to type odd characters into your password also has a few disadvantages.
1. The way they are described in this article only works in Microsoft Operating Systems (DOS, Windows 9x, Vista, XP, 2000), and there may be some variation amongst the different versions. If you know of a good way to do the same thing in Linux please email me.
2. Not all applications will let you use these odd characters. For testing I tried the password "Oÿ" (ALT+234 and ALT+0255) on a Windows XP local account,, but not all application will let you use these sorts of characters in your password.
Microsoft has the following to say on the subject of ALT+NUM key codes:
Alt+Numpad: A method of entering characters by typing in the character’s decimal code with the Numeric Pad keys (Num Lock turned on). In Windows:
• Alt+
• Alt+<0xxx>, where xxx is the decimal value of a code point, generates a Windows-encoded character.
• Alt+<+>+
Shortly I'll explain explain the first two methods further. The 3rd is more problematic to work with. First, you may have to edit your registry and add a the REG_SZ value "HKEY_Current_User/Control Panel/Input Method/EnableHexNumpad", then set it to "1". Also, depending on where you are trying to type the character the application may interpret your hexadecimal Fs as attempts to bring down the file menu. Since method three is so problematic I'll focus on the first two methods.
First, make sure you are using the number pad and not the top roll number keys, only the number pad works for this. Second, make sure NUM LOCK is on. It does not have to be on in all cases for these key combos to work, but it helps by keeping the number pad from being misinterpreted.
The chart from the site shows the relevant key codes to get various symbols. The table on the left shows the OEM Extended ASCII character set (AKA: IBM PC Extended Character Set; Extended ASCII; High ASCII; 437 U.S. English). True ASCII is only 7 bit, so the range is 0 to 127. IBM extended it to 8 bits and added more characters. To type these characters you merely have to hold down an ALT key, type the numeric value of the character, then release the ALT key.
The table on the right shows the ANSI character set (AKA: Window's ANSI/ISO Latin-1/ANSI Extended ASCII, though technically they are not exactly the same thing.). To use the ANSI character set you do the same thing as the OEM set, but you preface the number with an extra zero. Notice that the first 127 should be the same in both sets, though values 0-31 may not be viewable in all cases. I've been in "character encoding hell" just trying to get this article on my site in a readable format.
For example, ALT+257 gives me a in Wordpad, but in Notepad it loops back around the character set and gives me?(257-256=1 which is ? in the OEM set) . If you want to know what key code will bring up a particular character in a certain Windows font run Windows Character Map (charmap.exe) and look in the bottom right corner to find out.
some examples :
ALT+130 é
ALT+131 â
ALT+132 ä
ALT+133 à
ALT+134 å
ALT+135 ç
ALT+136 ê
ALT+137 ë
ALT+138 è
ALT+139 ï
ALT+140 î
ALT+141 ì
ALT+142 Ä
ALT+143 Å
ALT+144 É
ALT+145 æ
ALT+146 Æ
ALT+147 ô
ALT+148 ö
ALT+149 ò
ALT+150 û
ALT+151 ù
ALT+152 ÿ
ALT+153 Ö
ALT+154 Ü
ALT+155 ¢
ALT+156 £
ALT+157 ¥
ALT+158 P
ALT+159 ƒ
ALT+160 á
ALT+161 í
ALT+162 ó
ALT+163 ú
ALT+164 ñ
ALT+165 Ñ
ALT+166 ª
ALT+167 º
ALT+168 ¿
ALT+169 ¬
Posted by
8:26 AM
Dec 4, 2008
*Add sound to almost every event in Windows
XP comes with a new set of sounds that will surely add pizzazz to the way you work in Windows. But there's one problem -- you need to actually turn on the Windows default sound scheme before you'll be able to hear them.
To turn on the Windows XP default sound scheme, follow these directions:
Single-click the Start menu.
Single-click the Control Panel.
Single-click the Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices icon.
Single-click the Sounds and Audio Devices icon or the text labeled "Change the sound scheme."
Make sure you're on the Sound tab and locate the pull-down menu under Sound scheme.
Select the Windows Default option and press Apply. Windows will ask you if you want to save the previous sound scheme. Since there wasn't a sound scheme already loaded, just choose No.
If you look under the text labeled "Program events," you'll be able to sample your new sounds or customize them with your own. Read Customize Events Sounds if you'd like to learn how to do this yourself.
Posted by
4:00 AM
*Changing XP password without old password
Here is a technique to change XP password of your friend's login pc without knowing any hint or old passwords:
just open CMD PROMPT and type as shown below
C:/ net user username newpassword <----|
for example...
If your friend's username is Gaurav, and you want to change itz password to Bhatia
Type as shown below:
C:/net user Gaurav Bhatia <====
tats all u have successfully changed ur friendz password to "Bhatia"
If you are the admin of pc then go to CMD prompt and type
"""""control userpasswords2""""""
here you can change the password
Posted by
3:56 AM
*Speed up ur PC with simple steps
1. First, run a scandisk or checkdisk. Let Windows fix any errors.
2. Run a disk cleanup utility...this will flush your temporary internet folder, trash can, temp system files, etc.
3. Delete any garbage files or data...if possible, run a Duplicate File Finder program.
4. Run Defrag on all partitions (NOTE: run this after you have deleted all trash and excess files!)
5. Run a registry cleaner utility and delete or get rid of any orphaned entries in that registry.
6. Check your exisiting swap file for it's size and location (*will explain location later in the post). If you have alot of ram (i.e. 1 gig and over) set this swap file to something small, like 250 mb. The reason is that this will force Windows to load more into memory, resulting in faster performance (note: some games and applications actually require a certain sized swap file so check your applications performance after making a size adjustment for any error messages.)
7. Under XP, you can tell Windows to use Classic Style on your desktop, - this will remove the neat single click and internet-style desktop but for lower end systems this will improve performance in other areas, such as gaming and multi-tasking.
8. Run msconfig and under startup and only keep the programs that are essential to load in the tray icon (and hence stay resident in memory). Uncheck anything else non-essential, like an ATI or Nvidia control panel, Quicktime utility, Real Audio, etc.
9. Upgrade drivers! Check for the latest BIOS, video, motherboard, sound, etc drivers from the manufacturers.
(OK, so this won't speed up your PC but it could save you alot of time and trouble later on!)
Posted by
3:54 AM
*Sumsung the series hack
Exclusive Stuff : Samsung Mobile
*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0837# -> Show Software Version (instructions)
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters
*#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging.
*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# -> Program status
*#9998*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequenc
*#9998*324# -> Debug screens
*#9998*364# -> Watchdog
*#9998*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok.
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# -> Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W
*#9998*544# -> Jig detect
*#9998*636# -> Memory status
*#9998*746# -> SIM File Size
*#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error. *#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#9998*837# -> Software Version
*#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds and vibration activated.
*#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected
*#9998*872# -> Diag
*#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# -> Software version
*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)
*0002*?# -> unknown
*0003*?# -> unknown
SP-unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100
*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES the Security Lock and formats The Mobile's Chipset )
But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, To restore your old IMEI use the IMEI program found on the software page.
*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset ( does not change the securitu CODE )
These codes has been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung SGH-600
Posted by
3:24 AM
*Motorola Secret Codes
Code to lock keys. Press together *7
Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.
Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):
[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []
Add phonebook to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []
Add messages to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []
Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []
Eng Field options (main menu):
[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []
Slow (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []
Medium (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []
Fast (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []
Enable EFR:
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []
Function :
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []
Change pin:
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []
Unblocking using the "puk" number:
[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []
There are lots of similar codes exist. If you change the last number to 0 you can deactive that code. The 3 digit number at the middle are from 0 to 999. I put the most interesting codes. (EFR):Enhanced Full Rate Codec.
You can change GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model. Following the below steps:
enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menu
under "Opcode"
input 10*0*3 for GSM 900
10*0*4 for GSM 1800
10*0*5 for GSM 1900
10*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/1800
10*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900
To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press 50 and 1 64 1 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested)
Posted by
3:23 AM
*Mixed bag with mobile tricks
Nokia 31xx
Firmware version
*#0000# or *#3110#
*# 06 #
Restores Factory Settings
Warranty Codes
*#92702689# (= *#war0anty#)
Just scroll down through the information. If entering the above code requires a
further warranty code try entering the following:
6232 (OK) : Month and year of manufacture
7332 (OK) : Last repair date
7832 (OK) : Purchase date (if previously set)
9268 (OK) : Serial number
37832 (OK) : Set purchase date (this can only be done once)
87267 (OK) : Confirm transfer
Nokia 5110
IMEI Number *#06#
For checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
Security Code 12345
Default security code is 12345. If you forgot your security code, there s so many program on the net which allowed you to know the security code likes Security ID Generator, Nokia IMEI Changer, etc.
Security ID Generator (SID.EXE) and IMEI Generator (NOKIAIMEI.EXE) doesn t works with Nokia 5110
Resetting Security Code
If you accidentally lock the phone or forgot the security code, the best thing to do is check it with your local Nokia dealer. For advanced user, you can use WinTesla, PCLocals or LogoManager program to read the security code or resetting the code (You will need an FBUS/MBUS (or compatible) cable to do this.
Software Version *#0000#
For checking the phones software (SW) - called firmware revision information.
e.q : Version V. 4.51 (26-03-98) will display
V 04.51
first line:
The Software Version (my guess is that this software has been used in previously Nokia-phones, what do you say?!).
second line:
The Date of the SW release.
third line:
NHE-8 has something to do with the type of phone you are dealing with. Is it GSM 900 (standard), GSM 1800 (DCS1800) or GSM 1900 (PCS1900)?
Nokia 2110, 3110, 8110(i) are all NHE types. The only thing that vary is the code after NHE- ("8").
NHE = GSM 900, NHK =GSM 1800 - The number in the end = the model (2110i = 4 etc.)
The 5110 and 6110 is called NSE-1 and NSE-3...this may be because it supports EFR (?)
Newest Software Version was V5.22 (xx-xx-99)
V 05.22
If your software version is V4.00, upgrade your software version to latest version. V4.00 contains bugs that sometimes will show message,
"SIM Card Not Ready" even the card is already inside the phone.
Software Update
The only thing to do (for you and me) is for us to go to the nearest Nokia dealer and make him do it for you. Just remember that it is supposed to be free (a receipt is required) so don t let him tell you anything else!
SIM clock *#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
to check if the Sim-Clock can be Stopped. This option is depen on your service provider network. (Sim-clock-stop is a kind of standby mode which will save battery time)
This code doesn t work on phone with software version 4.59.
Waranty Code *#92702689# [*#war0anty#]
Displays Serial Number.
Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0698)
Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY) you can here set the Purchasing Date
(Warning: You can only do this once - so be careful what you write)
Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000)
The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)
To exit turn the phone off and then back on.
SP Lock The Service provider (SP) lock
Is used to lock the cell phone to the SP s SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SIM card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it!
The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator.
All Nokia phones (2110 and newer) have four different SIM locks which can be used to lock the phone for up to 4 different providers. But most phones with restriction only have one lock activated. ( lock 1)
The main code used in Nokia phones is:
#pw+(master code)+Y#
This code is able to check, activate or remove Sim card restriction (SP-lock).
Use the * key to get the p, + and w chars.
Y has to be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending of what lock you what to deal with.
#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(???)-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status
(master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the phones IMEI number.
(I can NOT give you the master code SO DON T ASK ME FOR IT! )
Please click here to learn more about how to obtain mastercode and find out the lock status of your phone
eq. To remove restriction on lock 1 type following code:
#pw+(master code)+1#
If you just want to check your phone use 10 random numbers Eg. 1234567890 as the (master code)
eq. To check if phone if restricted on lock 1 type the following code:
Please NOTE that these codes could be used with care!
A user told me that it s only possible to type in about 3 different codes on each lock! Then something bad will happen ..therefore be careful!
How can I check what locks have my phone closed?
There is 2 methods:
Use winlock to see the state of the locks, pressing Read Info.The Counter is the number of times that you have tried unlock your phone using an incorrect master code.
You can check it entering an imaginary mastercode on your phone but, it s not recommended because if you try enter a code 5 times your phone will not work anymore. By example, if you press at your phone #pw+1234567890+2# (note that # , p , w and + characters must be selected from * key) and your phone give you Code Error then your phone have lock 2 closed, if you get the message SIM Restriction Off your phone have lock 2 opened.
Look the table above to see how can check all locks:
Lock number Description Sequence to Check
1 Provider Lock #pw+1234567890+1#
2 Network-Lock #pw+1234567890+2#
3 Another Provider Lock #pw+1234567890+3#
4 SIM Card Lock #pw+1234567890+4#
Unlock SP-Lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code. With a Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx that are SIMlocked to one privider you can bypass the SP lock like this:
First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:
C and hold until it clears display
* and hold until start to blink
* and hold until start to blink
04***your pin>#
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you ll turn your phone ON
The phone now says: PIN CODE CHANGED (or ACCEPTED)
and the SIM card is accepted until you restart the phone again.
NOTE: On vesion 5.04 Nokia has removed this option !
There s another Nokia service provider lock generator for DOS (somehere on the net) called (for Nokia 51xx-61xx models) This program uses the #pw+(master code)+1# code to unlock the phone. With this software you need to have a access to the eeprom..
Bypass the SP-lock
With a Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx that are SIM locked to one privider you can bypass the SP lock like this:
Insert sim card of diferent provider.
Turn on the phone and press the UP VOLUME key for 3 sec. then release it and the phone says PIN CODE ?
Press the "C" key.
Then Press * and wait until it desapear and apear again, then press * one more time and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#
The phone now says: PIN CODE CHANGED (or ACCEPTED)
and the SIM card is accepted until you restart the phone again.
On version 5.04 Nokia has removed this option !
How to open lock 1 and 4?
You will need Winlock software and MBUS cable to do this. Winlock is a Nokia service program that you can use to open lock 1 and 4, really you are closing locks when you do that, but when you write ????? at MCC+MNC and MSIN text box, the phone don t understand it and consider that it s open.
That trick only works for lock 1 and 4, but not for lock 2 and 3. If you did not know your lock type, please read our miscellaneous tips page first. or read at above section in this page.
Install winlock 1.10
Connect your MBUS nokia data cable
Run Winlock
Push Read Phone, if you have Lock 2 or Lock 3 closed you can not open your phone, but you can try change Lock 2.
Select State Close in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ??????? and Push Close Locks.
Now you can use any operator card in your phone. If you get any error when you do that do the following steps:
Select State Automatic in Lock 1 and Lock 4 and change type to User in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ?????????? and Push Close Locks.
Select State Automatic in Lock 1 and Lock 4 and change type to Factory in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ?????????? and Push Close Locks.
If you continue getting errors you must turn off your phone and reset computer and try again.
How to open lock 2?
When operators companies close lock2 you can only use the contract or prepaid card for this operator, but you can use another operator company prepaid card if you know what GID1 must write.
Install Winlock
Run Winlock
Configure Winlock. Select menu Winlock->Defaults and change GID byte count to 2.
Push Read Phone, and write down GID1 info that appear in lock 2.
Insert the prepaid card from a different operator company.
We must find out a the GID1 info adecuate for our new prepaid or contract card, take a look at our GID1 list and check if your operator and SIM card type is included, if not try to get a phone that have lock 2 closed and have the SIM card type that you want to use in your phone, and read GID1 info with winlock. You can try to write the most used GID1 codes like 0000,10FF,01FF, or FFFF, etc.
Change Lock 2 Type from User To Factory or from Factory to User.
Push Close Locks
Your phone will be reset every time you push Close Locks, if your card is not acepted the GID1 is not correct, repeat from step 4 until you find the correct GID1.
If you get error you must turn off your phone and reset computer and try again.
If you want your phone accept your original prepaid card write in GID1 the code you read at step 2 and close locks.
Exist a GID1 list?
In addition to the official way to open locks that Nokia service centers use with TDB4 or TDF-4(for WinTesla) security boxes, there is two secrets methods:
Opening the phone and adding a chip inside phone motherboard. But you will loose any warranty of your phone.
Using a special software with a MBUS Nokia cable. I don t have this software. Please don t bother me asking me about that. The only thing i know about that is that a friend is removing lock 2 using a special software. He don t make this for money, only for fun.
Main Code #pw+(master code)+Y#
This code is able to check, activate or remove Sim card restriction (SP-lock).
Use the * key to get the p, + and w chars.
Y has to be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending of what lock you what to deal with.
#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(???)-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status
(master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the phones IMEI number.
I get report that told me the code didn t works for Optimus Card
Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
Enhanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more)
*3370# and EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power )
and EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.
Half Rate Codec (HR)
Half Rate will give you bad sound quality, which gives the service provider the opportunity to have more calls on the network; and you might get a lower charge from them. (Will give you 30% longer talk-time)
*4720# Half Rate coded will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( better standby time )
#4720# Half Rate coded will be de-activated after a reboot of the phone
Unblocking Code
Unblock PIN1 : **05*PUK*newPIN1*newPIN1#@
UnBlock PIN2 : **052*PUK2*newPIN2*newPIN2#@
Hiding your phone number
Dial 141 then the number you want to call eg. 141#######
This should stop your number been sent to the caller. (*)
(*) This only works on UK phones, if anybody has tried this and works, please let me know.
Unlocking PIN2 for software version
V 05.07
If your SimCard is locked by your SP, you can check it and if it is, you will get the "wrong code" message on the display (for use 1234567890)
If your SimCard is locked by your SP, you can t unlock PIN2 !
Blocking phone number at Cantel AT&T
If you have one of those cantel at&t phones if you press #0000# you can block your number
at no extra charge.
New Menu on Emergency Calls *3001#12345#
Brings a new menu that gives you access to the emergency calls ( 911 Etc. ). It will give you FREE calls! (only the ones you put in the emergency!! )
This option will depend on your GSM operator
Your number in your display
Goto menu 3-7 Call cost settings.
Turn ON the Call costs limit 3-7-1. PIN2 code Required.
Put in the limit with the phone number.
eg. my phone # is 019 2184697
Enter the limit as 2184697
Goto menu 3-7-2 Show costs in. PIN2 code Required.
Select Currency.
Enter Unit price : 1
Enter Currency name as 019 (per my phone # eg. above)
Now the phone number 019 2184697 will remains on the 4th row of the display.
Secondly, if you press the # key, it prompt which line to be used; Line 1 or 2.
Free Call Tip
The tips needs Net Monitor enabled. Be aware that the trick will remove Netmonitor in some sw versions like v4.73 and v5.04.
Launch the Net Monitor in your Nokia 51xx / 61xx
Execute the test number 497
Free calling for about 90 sec should now have been activated.
Nokia 5110 PIN-Out
Pin-Outs: Bottom view, keyboard up, counting from the left
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
3 - XMIC MIC INPUT 60mV - 1V
6 - MBUS 9600 B/S
7 - FBUS_RX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S
8 - FBUS_TX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S
Nokia 61xx
Firmware version
*#0000# or *#61x0#
* # 06 #
Warranty Codes
*#92702689# (= *#war0anty#)
Just scroll down through the information. If entering the above code requires a
further warranty code try entering the following:
6232 (OK) : Month and year of manufacture
7332 (OK) : Last repair date
7832 (OK) : Purchase date (if previously set)
9268 (OK) : Serial number
37832 (OK) : Set purchase date (this can only be done once)
87267 (OK) : Confirm transfer
Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) and Half Rate Mode (HFR)
*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate - Makes calls sound better, but
decreases the battery life by about 5%.(I recommend this one)
#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate
*4720# to activate Half Rate Mode - Drops call quality, but increases battery
life by about 30%.
#4720# to deactivate Half Rate Mode
Nokia 81xx
Show IMEI code
* # 06 #
Software Version
* # 8110 #
This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware number of your phone.
Warranty Codes
*#92702689# (= *#war0anty#)
Just scroll down through the information. If entering the above code requires a
further warranty code try entering the following:
6232 (OK) : Month and year of manufacture
7332 (OK) : Last repair date
7832 (OK) : Purchase date (if previously set)
9268 (OK) : Serial number
37832 (OK) : Set purchase date (this can only be done once)
87267 (OK) : Confirm transfer
Sim Clock information
To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#)
Nokia 8810
Firmware version
*#0000# or *#8810#
* # 06 #
Warranty Codes
*#92702689# (= *#war0anty#)
Just scroll down through the information. If entering the above code requires a
further warranty code try entering the following:
6232 (OK) : Month and year of manufacture
7332 (OK) : Last repair date
7832 (OK) : Purchase date (if previously set)
9268 (OK) : Serial number
37832 (OK) : Set purchase date (this can only be done once)
87267 (OK) : Confirm transfer
Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) and Half Rate Mode (HFR)
*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate - Makes calls sound better, but
decreases the battery life by about 5%.(I recommend this one)
#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate
*4720# to activate Half Rate Mode - Drops call quality, but increases battery
life by about 30%.
#4720# to deactivate Half Rate Mode.
Posted by
3:13 AM
Dec 3, 2008
*One Click Shutdown
One Click Shutdown
* Navigate to your Desktop.
* On the Desktop, right-click and go to New, then to Shortcut (in other words, create
a new shortcut).
* You should now see a pop-up window instructing you to enter a command line path.
Enter one of these as the path: SHUTDOWN -s -t 01
* Click the "Next" button.
* Name the shortcut and click the "Finish" button.
Now whenever you want to shut down, just click on this shortcut and you're done.
* Also, if you want to make life better and faster, you can right-click the new shortcut
you just made, go to Properties, and type in X (or whatever letter) in the Shortcut Key
Posted by
7:24 AM
*Google week: 101 tips, tricks and hacks - The ultimate collection of Google tips and tricks
1. The best way to begin searching harder with Google is by clicking the Advanced Search link.
2. This lets you search for exact phrases, "all these words", or one of the specified keywords by entering search terms into the appropriate box.
3. You can also define how many results you want on the page, what language and what file type you're looking for, all with menus.
4. Advanced Search lets you type in a Top Level Domain (like in the "Search within site of domain" box to restrict results.
5. And you can click the "Date, usage rights, numeric range and more" link to access more advanced features.
6. Save time – most of these advanced features are also available in Google's front page search box, as command line parameters.
7. Google's main search invisibly combines search terms with the Boolean construct "AND". When you enter smoke fire – it looks for smoke AND fire.
8. To make Google search for smoke or fire, just type smoke OR fire
9. Instead of OR you can type the | symbol, like this: smoke | fire
10. Boolean connectors like AND and OR are case sensitive. They must be upper case.
11. Search for a specific term, then one keyword OR another by grouping them with parentheses, like this: water (smoke OR fire)
12. To look for phrases, put them in quotes: "there's no smoke without fire"
13. Synonym search looks for words that mean similar things. Use the tilde symbol before your keyword, like this: ~eggplant
14. Exclude specific key words with the minus operator. new pram -ebay excludes all results from eBay.
15. Common words, like I, and, then and if are ignored by Google. These are called "stop words".
16. The plus operator makes sure stop words are included. Like: fish +and chips
17. If a stop word is included in a phrase between quote marks as a phrase, the word is searched for.
18. You can also ask Google to fill in a blank. Try: Christopher Columbus discovered *
19. Search for a numerical range using the numrange operator. For example, search for Sony TV between £300 and £500 with the string Sony TV £300..£500
20. Google recognises 13 main file types through advanced search, including all Microsoft Office Document types, Lotus, PostScript, Shockwave Flash and plain text files.
21. Search for any filetype directly using the modifier filetype:[filetype extension]. For example: soccer filetype:pdf
22. Exclude entire file types, using the same Boolean syntax we used to exclude key words earlier: rugby -filetype:doc
23, In fact, you can combine any Boolean search operators, as long as your syntax is correct. An example: "sausage and mash" -onions filetype:doc
24. Google has some very powerful, hidden search parameters, too. For example "intitle" only searches page titles. Try intitle:herbs
25. If you're looking for files rather than pages – give index of as the intitle: parameter. It helps you find web and FTP directories.
26. The modifier inurl only searches the web address of a page: give inurl:spices a go.
27. Find live webcams by searching for: inurl:view/view.shtml
28. The modifier inanchor is very specific, only finding results in text used in page links.
29. Want to know how many links there are to a site? Try link:sitename – for example
30. Similarly, you can find pages that Google thinks are related in content, using the related: modifier. Use it like this:
31. The modifier info:site_name returns information about the specified page.
32. Alternatively, do a normal search then click the "Similar Pages" link next to a result.
33. Specify a site to search with the site: modifier – like this: search tips
34. The above tip works with directory sites like and dynamically generated sites.
35. Access Google Directory – a database of handpicked and rated sites – at
36. The Boolean operators intitle and inurl work in Google directory, as does OR.
37. Use the site: modifier when searching Google Images, at For example: dvd recorder
38. Similar, using "" will only return results from .com domains.
39. Google News ( has its own Boolean parameters. For example "intext" pulls terms from the body of a story.
40. If you use the operator "source:" in Google News, you can pick specific archives. For example: heather mills source:daily_mail
41. Using the "location:" filter enables you to return news from a chosen country. location:uk for example.
42. Similarly, Google Blogsearch ( has its own syntax. You can search for a blog title, for example, using inblogtitle:
43. The general search engine can get very specific indeed. Try movie:
44. The modifier film: works just as well!
45. Enter showtimes and Google will prompt you for your postcode. Enter it and it'll tell you when and where local films are showing.
46. For a dedicated film search page, go to
47. If you ticked "Remember this Location" when you searched for show times, the next time you can enter the name of a current film instead.
48. Google really likes movies. Try typing director: The Dark Knight into the main search box.
49. For cast lists, try cast: name_of_film
50. The modifier music: followed by a band, song or album returns music reviews.
51. Try searching for weather London – you'll get a full 4-day forecast.
52. There's also a built-in dictionary. Try define:
53. Google stores the content of old sites. You can search this cache direct with the syntax keyword cache:site_url
54. Alternatively, enter cache:site_url into Google's search box to be taken direct to the stored site.
55. No calculator handy? Use Google's built in features. Try typing 12*15 and hitting "Google Search".
56. Google's calculator converts measurements and understands natural language. Type in 14 stones in kilos, for example.
57. It does currency conversion too. Try 200 pounds in euros
58. If you know the currency code you can type 200 GBP in EUR instead for more reliable results.
59. And temperature! Just type: 98 f to c to convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade.
60. Want to know how clever Google really is? Type 2476 in roman numerals, then hit "Google Search"...
61. You can personalise your Google experience by creating a Google account. Go to then click "Create Account".
62. With a Google account there are lots more extras available. You'll get a free Gmail email account for one...
63. With your Google account, you can also personalise your front page. Click "iGoogle" to add blog and site feeds.
64. Click "Add a Tab" in iGoogle to add custom tabs. Google automatically populates them with suitable site suggestions.
65. iGoogle allows you to theme your page too. Click "Select Theme" to change the default look.
66. Some iGoogle themes change with time..."Sweet Dreams" is a theme that turns from day to night as you browse.
67. Click "More" under "Try something new" to access a full list of Google sites and new features.
68. "Custom Search" enables you to create a branded Google search for your own site.
69. An active, useful service missing from the list is "Personalised Search" – but you can access it via when you're logged in.
70. This page lists searches you have recently made – and is divided into categories. Clicking "pause" stops Google from recording your history.
71. Click "Trends" to see the sites you visit most, the terms you enter most often and links you've clicked on!
72. Personalised Search also includes a bookmark facility – which enables you to save bookmarks online and access them from anywhere.
73. You can add bookmarks or access your bookmarks using the iGoogle Bookmarks gadget.
74. Did you know you can search within your returned results? Scroll down to the bottom of the search results page to find the link.
75. Search locally by appending your postcode to the end of query. For example Indian food BA1 2BW finds restaurants in Bath, with addresses and phone numbers!
76. Looking for a map? Just add map to the end of your query, like this: Leeds map
77. Google finds images just as easily and lists them at the top, when you add image to the end of your search.
78. Google Image Search recognises faces... add &imgtype=face to the end of the returned URL in the location bar, then hit enter to filter out pictures that aren't people.
79. Keeping an eye on stocks? Type stocks: followed by market ticker for the company and Google returns the data from Google Finance.
80. Enter the carrier and flight number in Google's main search box to return flight tracking information.
81. What time is it? Find out anywhere by typing time then the name of a place.
82. You may have noticed Google suggests alternate spellings for search terms – that's the built in spell checker!
83. You can invoke the spell checker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword.
84. Click "I'm Feeling Lucky" to be taken straight to the first page Google finds for your keyword.
85. Enter a statistics-based query like population of Britain into Google, and it will show you the answer at the top of its results.
86. If your search has none-English results, click "Translate this Page" to see it in English.
87. You can search foreign sites specifically by clicking "Language Tools", then choosing which countries sites to translate your query to.
88. Other features on the language tools page include a translator for blocks of text you can type or cut and paste.
89. There's also a box that you can enter a direct URL into, translating to the chosen language.
90. Near the language tools link, you'll see the "Search Preferences". This handy page is full of secret functionality.
91. You can specify which languages Google returns results in, ticking as many (or few) boxes as you like.
92. Google's Safe Search protects you from explicit sexual content. You can choose to filter results more stringently or switch it off completely.
93. Google's default of 10 results a page can be increased to up to 100 in Search Preferences, too.
94. You can also set Google to open your search results in a new window.
95. Want to see what others are searching for or improve your page rank? Go to
96. Another useful, experimental search can be found at – where you can find the hottest search terms.
97. To compare the performance of two or more terms, enter them into the trends search box separated by commas.
98. Fancy searching Google in Klingon? Go to
99. Perhaps the Swedish chef from the muppets is your role model instead? Check
100. Type answer to life, the universe and everything into Google. You may be surprised by the result...
101. It will also tell you the number of horns on a unicorn
Posted by
7:16 AM
*Get Any Thing From Google
•¤•╠╦╩╣Get Any Thing From Google™╠╦╩╣ •¤•
copy paste the following in any addresse bar
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER ARTIST OR SONG NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+mp3+OR+wma+OR+ogg+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('Enter Author name OR Book name:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+pdf+OR+rar+OR+zip+OR+lit+OR+djvu+OR+pdb+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER IMAGE NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+jpg+OR+png+OR+bmp+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER MOVIE NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+avi+OR+mov+OR+mpg+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER Application NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+exe+OR+rar+OR+zip+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER GAME NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+exe+OR+iso+OR+rar+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
Just copy from javascript and paste this on u r add bar and enter the details and
Posted by
7:11 AM
*Type with Mouse
Type with your mouse when your keyboard is not working.
Well, this a great trick and you will love it!!
Allright here is the trick:
Just Simple go to Run Command and type OSK and starty typing with Mouse... if you key board not working properly.....
Posted by
6:42 AM
*Hacking MSN / Yahoo
Posted by
2:27 AM
*Hacking Password Protected Website's
Posted by
2:26 AM
*Top Tricks & Cheats
Posted by
2:25 AM